Caryn, I too woke up groggy and confused. Your comment was the first thing I stumbled across and it was at that very moment in time I had immediately realized I didn't have enough coffee to start my day. After brewing a Cuban colada in my antiquated yet oh-so-dear-to-my-heart espresso machine I popped my laptop back open and came right back to your response. Assuredly, the coffee hasn't quite yet hit so I'm sure I'll most likely miss one or two things in your very lovely and detailed inquiry, however I hope you'll have grace with me. I love your opening scene by the way, I'm slurping round two of coffee as I type these words. I'm flattered you thought my story might have been garbage... because for a couple of days, I wasn't quite so sure of it's merits myself. That "snail on acid" was a wonderful reference as well.
In response to your most burning questions, I'll shed some light in the following manner a) I'm handy with Photoshop & b) whilst I had no idea whether this story was going to turn out to be successful or not, I think it's safe to say that it has had at least some measure of success, which I'm both surprised by and grateful for. What parts of the story are true? Well, without confirming or denying everything, perhaps I own a Deadpool toy, I did look at the microwave timer, the room did fill with light (although it was probably just the sun rising), Spotify was open and I WAS listening to Fatboy Slim... I do have a vivid imagination so it's possible I did hear cash registers and Snowpiercer did do awfully terrible at the box office. As far as Elon Musk goes, maybe I'll be having tea with him, who knows? Thank you for making my morning as well!